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Long-term Radon Test

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About Us

My name is Dave Craven and welcome to Radon Vision Inc.  While living in our newly built home, we tested for radon and the results were shocking!  Measuring almost seven times more than Health Canada's acceptable limit, my wife and I were sickened to think we had exposed our baby daughter to these levels for the first 1.5 years of her life, and ourselves for four years.  Building on my skills as a 16-year journeyman electrician, I earned C-NRPP certification (Canadian - National Radon Proficiency Program) and thus, my journey into the radon measurement and mitigation field began.  Please click here to learn more about this story, and the critically important role radon awareness plays while managing the complexities of your home.
C-NRPP Certified
Radon Measurement and Mitigation

What Is Radon?

  • Radon is an invisible, odourless, radioactive gas that occurs naturally in our environment.


  • It originates from the natural breakdown of uranium in soils and rocks.


  • As radon is released from the ground into enclosed spaces, such as homes, it can accumulate to dangerously high levels.


What Are The

Health Effects?



  • Radon particles are inhaled into the lungs and become trapped.  The radon particles then breakdown, releasing radioactive particles that damage DNA in lung tissue.  When the lung tissue is damaged and unable to repair the DNA correctly, it can lead to lung cancer.


  • Health Canada estimates that 16 per cent of lung cancer deaths in Canada are caused by radon exposure.  That's over 3,350 people each year!


  • Radon is especially harmful to infants and children as they breathe 2-3 times faster than adults, and their lungs are just starting to develop.



  • No children?  Don't forget about protecting your pets from radon.


How Does Radon

Enter Homes?

  • Air pressure in a house is commonly lower than the surrounding air and soil, especially in the basement and foundation levels, due to various effects.


  • The "Stack Effect" is the most prominent source of this pressure difference.  This occurs when heated air inside the house rises and leaks from openings in the upper levels. This warm, buoyant air is replaced with cold, dense air from cracks, gaps, and openings at lower levels, consequently drawing radon into your house.


How Do We

Test For Radon?

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  • There are several different approaches when it comes to testing your home for radon.  The most common ways are:


     1. Purchase a DIY (do-it-yourself) radon test kit.

     2. Purchase a CRM (continuous radon monitor) for your home.

     3. Hire a C-NRPP certified professional.



  • DIY radon test kits are an affordable way to test your home.  However, if you choose to go this route, be aware of hidden shipping and laboratory analysis fees.  Generally, the total all-in cost is around $70.  Also, consider buying directly from radon professionals and not big box stores.  For test kits to be accurate, they need to be stored in a proper, radon-free environment.


  • Homeowner CRM's are great for homes that have elevated radon levels and have been mitigated to ensure the system is working correctly.


  • C-NRPP professionals will provide the most accurate, timely measurements with detailed reports.  The majority of tests are completed for real estate transactions and commercial buildings due to additional regulations, often costing more than DIY kits.  However, Radon Vision Inc. offers free short-term tests (and long-term tests) starting at $99 with a detailed report.

My Radon Levels Are High,

Can It Be Fixed?

  • Yes, a C-NRPP Radon Mitigation Professional will guide you toward the most effective and cost-efficient mitigation approach for your home.


  • Active sub-slab-depressurization is the most commonly used system for reducing radon levels. This technique creates a vacuum underneath the slab, rerouting radon outside before it has a chance to enter the home. This method is very effective and will typically cost between $2000 and $2500 to install.

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